size guide

If you are still doubting what your ring size is, below we will show you how to know.

Method 1

I have a ring:

1: Choose a ring that suits you

2: Put the ring on a ruler and measure when it goes from side to side

3: If the measurement is between the range 17mm and 18mm, your ring size is 17mm , if the measurement is between 18 and 20 your size is 19mm .

Method 2

I don't have a ring:

1: What you need is a string or a piece of paper and a ruler

2: Wrap the string around the finger you want to place the ring on. Grab the rope where it crosses and hold it. Make sure it's not too tight, it's better to have a ring that's a little looser than one that doesn't fit.

3: Unroll the rope to make it straight and measure it with the ruler. The measurement you get is the circumference of your finger. If your measurement is between 53mm and 56.5, your ring size is 17mm, and if it is between 57 and 60, your ring size is 19mm.